Exhibition // FUNDAMENTALS – Dutch Invertuals @DDW17 – Eindhoven (NL)

Officina Corpuscoli has been invited to join the FUNDAMENTSALS exhibition, taking place during Dutch Design Week 2017 at Dutch Invertuals. The studio will present a selection of inspirational objects and materials as well as a new project, inspired by an iconic, “hidden” object – the crate – revisited an re-actualised by means of mycelium-based, grown materials.
The show, curated by Raw Color and designed by Daphna Laurens, will materialise a portrait of a generation of 45 designers that have shaped the collective of Dutch Invertuals along the past nine years.Together, they will take the viewer on an inspiring journey into the foundations of the design process, revealing more than 800 objects that normally remain hidden in the archives of their studios; thus, resulting in a distinct reflection of each personal identity.
Each participating designer has utilised such personal collections and own identity as a starting point for creating a container that manifests their ‘Fundamentals’. Since the origin of mankind, containers have been used as basic tools with a common typology to store and transport objects or materials.
These individually made products offer comprehensive insights into the various design practices here represented, shedding a light on the diverse individual visions.
More information can be found here.
October 21-29, 2017
Dutch Invertuals Party:
April 5, 2017 at 7.30 PM
Fuutlaan 12 B
5613 AB – Eindhoven (NL)