Interview & TV Broadcast // Officina Corpuscoli & mogu on Het Klokhuis // Building with Fungi @NTR – NPO3 (dutch national television)

Interview & TV Broadcast // Officina Corpuscoli & mogu on Het Klokhuis //  Building with Fungi @NTR – NPO3 (dutch national television)

Thanks to the “historical” and widely popular dutch TV program Het Klokhuis for the episode shot at the studio and at Utrecht University in summer 2021, and broadcasted yesterday (October 6th, 2022) on dutch television, featuring …

Interview & Workshop // FarFarFare – Rialzarsi #1 – Stepping Up Again (ITA)

Interview & Workshop // FarFarFare – Rialzarsi #1 – Stepping Up Again (ITA)

Have a read of the latest issue from Farfarfare, revolving around the theme #Rialzarsi – “Stepping Up Again” – and featuring an interview to Officina Corpuscoli focusing on, among other key notions, resilience and regeneration …