Podcast // Healing Materialities – interview with Barbara Pollini

Listen to the first podcast of the Healing Materialities series, filled with insights revolving around Mycelium-based processes, technologies, materials, products, as well as about the inclusive relationship between living agents …
Press Article & Interview // THE TIMES – UK // How mushrooms can eat plastic, build houses and ease depression

Thank you to Matthew Sweet and The Times, Britain’s oldest national daily newspaper, for the interview and the related article titled How mushrooms can eat plastic, build houses and ease depression. The fungal era is upon us, have a read here and join the systemic re-evolution …
Book Article // diid Industrial Design n.72 – Beyond Human: New Paradigms of Active Collaboration in Design

Curious to understand more about how the design practice has evolved and the direction in which it is moving? Make sure to get your hands on diid – disegno industriale > industrial design n.72 – DESIGN 2030: Practice …
Book // RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION – A Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

We feel grateful for being included as focused case study, as part of Jonathan Hankins’ doctoral book (open-access) on Responsible Innovation. CLICK HERE to access the book and find out more. Congratulations to Mr’ Hankins for the outstanding research performed …
Interview & Article // CNN // Why the search for the perfect vegan leather starts on the forest floor

Thanks to CNN and to Katie Hunt for the nice article about the most promising and innovative materials for fashion and beyond from… guess what… FUNGI & MYCELIUM … read the article here …
Interview & Article // INTERNI MAGAZINE // Reflecting on Rebirth and Regeneration

Thanks to Interni Magazine and to Laura Traldi for opening up space to talk about #rebirth and #regeneration through a published interview, filled with research-based reflections …
Panel Discussion // FERMENT TV // New Paradigms for Design

If you missed the recent dialogue on Ferment TV live-broadcast New Paradigms for Design, you can now watch it on Youtube and subscribe to Ferment TV channel to keep up to date with forthcoming live streams!
Watch here …
Press Article // La Stampa (ITA) // Una casa (vera) fatta di funghi. Come quella dei Puffi.

Thanks to Chiara Locuratolo & LA STAMPA, for the article titled “A (true) house made of mushrooms. Like the smurfs’ one” (ITA) , featuring Officina Corpuscoli and insights provided by our our director, Maurizio Montalti.You can read the article here.
Press Article // Houzz (IT) – Who are the “bio-designers” and … what do they do?

Thanks to Giulia Zappa and Houzz magazine for the article featuring Officina Corpuscoli and Mogu. You can read the article here…
Interview // FRIZZI FRIZZI // Designers Perspectives during Quarantine

Thanks to FrizziFrizzi and Tommaso Bovo for the nice live chat, and to Simone Sbarbati for the published article – and in great company. Check here the article and video interview about Designers Perspectives during Quarantine …